Information about thesis defense

Avsievich V.N. Announcement about defense


List of scientific papers


Doshybekov A.B. Announcement about defense


List of scientific papers


Myrzabosynov E.K. Announcement about defense


List of scientific papers


Ermakhanova A.B. Announcement about defense

Annotation of Ermakhanova A.B.

Thesis of Ermakhanova A.B.

List of scientific papers of Ermakhanova A.B.

Iskakov T.B. Announcement about defense

Annotation of Iskakov T.B.

Thesis of  Iskakov T.B.

List of scientific papers of Iskakov T.B.
Komarov O.Yu. Announcement about defense

Annotation of Komarov O.Yu.

Thesis of   Komarov O.Yu.

List of scientific papers of  Komarov O.Yu.

 Saitbekov N.D. Announcement about defense

Annotation  of  Saitbekov N.D.

Thesis of   Saitbekov N.D.

List of scientific papers of  Saitbekov N.D.

Ispambetova G.A. Announcement about defense

Annotation  of   Ispambetova G.A.

Thesis of    Ispambetova G.A.

List of scientific papers of  Ispambetova G.A.

Erzhanova E.E. Announcement about defense

Annotation  of   Erzhanova E.E.

Thesis of     Erzhanova E.E.

List of scientific papers of   Erzhanova E.E.

Zharmenov D.K. Announcement about defense

Annotation of  Zharmenov D.K.

Thesis of  Zharmenov D.K.

List of scientific papers of   Zharmenov D.K.

Gabdullin A.B. Announcement about defense

Annotation of  Gabdullin A.B.

Thesis of  Gabdullin A.B.

List of scientific papers of   Gabdullin A.B.

Review of foreign scientific advisor

Review of scientific advisor of Botagariev T.A.

Review of scientific advisor of Zhunusbekov Zh.I.

Review of Sadykov Zh.L.

Review of Seisenbekov E.K.

Conclusion of the LEС Gabdullin A.B.

Defense of Gabdullin A.B. (video)

Mukhambet Zh.S. Announcement about defense

Annotation of  Mukhambet Zh.S.

Thesis of  Mukhambet Zh.S.

Thesis of  Mukhambet Zh.S. (kaz)

List of scientific papers of  Mukhambet Zh.S.

Review of foreign scientific advisor

Review of the scientific advisor Avsiyevich V.N.

Review of Madiyeva G.B.

Review of Rusanov V.P.

Conclusion of the LEC Mukhambet Zh.S.

Defense of Mukhambet Zh.S. (video)

Shankulov E.T. Announcement about defense

Annotation of  Shankulov E.T.

Thesis of  Shankulov E.T.

List of scientific papers of  Shankulov E.T.

Review of foreign scientific advisor

Review of scientific advisor of Andrushchishin J.F.

Review of Tyutebaev B.X.

Review of Alimkhanov E.

Defense of Shankulov E.T. (video)

 Otaraly S.Zh. Announcement about defense

Annotation of  Otaraly S.Zh.

Thesis of  Otaraly S.Zh.

List of scientific papers of   Otaraly S.Zh.

Review of foreign scientific advisor

Review of scientific advisor of Zhumanova A.S.

Review of Abdykadyrova D.R.

Review of Uanbayev E.K.

Defense of Otaraly S.Zh. (video)

Sydykov N. T. Announcement about defense

Annotation of  Sydykov N. T.

Thesis of  Sydykov N. T.

List of scientific papers of   Sydykov N. T.

Review of foreign scientific advisor

Review of scientific advisor of Kulbayev A.T.

Review of  Seisenbekov E.K.

Review of  Doskaryaev B.M.

Defense of Sydykov N. T. (video)

Bakhtiyarova S.Zh. Notification

Abstract Bakhtiyarova S.Zh.

Dissertation Bakhtiyarova S.Zh.

List of scientific works Bakhtiyarova S.Zh.

Review of a foreign scientific consultant

Review of the scientific consultant Andrushchyshyn I.F.

Conclusion of the Ethics Commission Bakhtiyarova S.Zh.

Review of the official reviewer .Alimkhanov E.A.

Review of the official reviewer Doskaraev B.M.

Video recording of dissertation defense Bakhtiyarova S.Zh.

Gusakov I.V. Notification

Abstract Gusakov I.V.

Dissertation Gusakov I.V.

List of scientific works Gusakov I.V.

Review of a foreign scientific consultant

Review of the scientific consultant Nurmukhanbetova D.K.

Conclusion of the Ethics Commission Gusakov I.V.

Review of the official reviewer Madieva G.B.

Review of the official reviewer Zharmenova D.K.

Video recording of dissertation defense Gusakov I.V.

Koshkinbaeva N.R. Notification

Abstract Koshkinbaeva N.R.

Dissertation Koshkinbaeva N.R.

List of scientific works Koshkinbaeva N.R.

Review of the scientific consultant Saipova A.

Review of the scientific consultant Zaimogly O.

Conclusion of the Ethics Commission Koshkinbaeva N.R.
