Research work of the Department of Theoretical foundations of physical culture and sports

The teaching staff of the department conducts research activities in the direction of synthesizing the theory and practice of training future specialists in the field of physical culture and sport with the coverage of theoretical, methodological and methodological problems of training athletes.

Within the framework of the research theme at the department is held annually International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Education, Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism”, Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of sports psychologists of Kazakhstan with international participation.

The teaching staff of the department conducts research work with students in the scientific circle “Zhas kanat”.

There are 4 doctors of pedagogical sciences, professors of the Higher Attestation Commission, 9 candidates of pedagogical sciences, 4 Doctors PhD, 5 teachers are studying in the doctoral program of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. Senior lecturer of the department Zhidovinova A.V. is defending a dissertation for the degree of PhD in the National Sports Academy named after Vassil Levski. Vasil Levski, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Within the framework of Erasmus+ academic mobility, in 2022, Nurmukhambetova M.B., a senior lecturer of the department, read a course of lectures on sports psychology at the Lithuanian Sports University Kaunas, Lithuania, in 2023, acting professor, PhD Shalabayeva L.I. read a course of lectures on sports psychology at the University of Granada (Spain).

Every year the faculty of the department publishes textbooks, monographs, educational and teaching aids. The head of the department, PhD Belegova A.A. published the textbook “Bolashak Den Shynyktyru mugalimdininң reflexivitik madeniyeti” and the monograph ” Болашақ дене шынықтыру мұғалімдерінің рефлексивтік мәдениеті: теориясы мен практикасы”.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor VAK Haustov S.I. in 2023 published a monograph “Education of strength in the harmonious perfection of man”. PhD Suranshieva M.K. in co-authorship with I.R. Khalitova, A.I. Bulshekbaeva published a textbook “Әлеуметтік педагогика”, copyright certificate № 38935. In addition, Suranshieva M.K. in co-authorship with Beisenbaykyzy Z. published a scientific and methodological guide “Кіріктіре оқыту технологиясының сипаты”.

Senior teacher of the department Golokha L.I. in co-authorship with Ermakhanova A.B., Nurmukhanbetova D.K., Gusakov I.V., Kefer N.E., Tokareva S.V. published a series of methodical recommendations: “Improvement of technical training of sports reserve in water polo”, “Improvement of technical training of sports reserve in swimming”, “Improvement of technical training of sports reserve in artistic swimming”, “Improvement of psychological and pedagogical support of training of sports reserve in water sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department Andrushchishin I.F. released two textbooks in the direction of sports psychology – “Psychological and pedagogical control in the sphere of physical culture and sport”, “Psychological and pedagogical problems of training athletes” and monograph “Psychological factors of success of sports activity”.

Senior lecturer of the department Zhidovinova A.V. published a textbook “Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture”, in which she reflected modern trends in physical education of schoolchildren and the population.

PhD Associate Professor Shalabayeva L.I. published a textbook “Inclusive Education” and a monograph “Development of dialogic form of communication of adolescence”.

Senior lecturer of the department Baltina A.S. in co-authorship with Iskakov T.B. published a textbook “Балалардың дене тәрбиесінде дзюдо элементтерін қолдану”.

Vice-Rector for Science and Strategic Development, Associate Professor of the Department, PhD Doshybekov A.B. manages the scientific project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Virtual foresight-laboratory of introduction of Olympic education in the system of work of secondary school”.

Senior lecturer of the department Kopzhanov G.B. participates in two scientific projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “Virtual foresight-laboratory of introduction of Olympic education in the system of work of general education school”, “Formation of a healthy lifestyle of university students on the basis of analysis of indicators of the World Health Organization scale ((WHOQOL-BREF) KAZ)”.

The teaching staff of the department actively publishes the data of research activities in the journals of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the journals that have a percentile indicator on Cite Score of Scopus database, as well as in the Web of Science database, in the proceedings of international scientific conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign and near abroad countries.

The Department of “Theoretical Foundations of Physical Culture and Sport” is a center of scientific and pedagogical expertise focused on modern trends in the training of future specialists. Annual participation of the teaching staff of the department in international and national scientific-practical conferences, participation in academic mobility, high level of publications in leading journals testify to the aspiration of the department to scientific development and support of innovations in the field of physical culture and sport.

