Educational and methodological work of the department of sports games

The main focus of the department is educational and methodological work. The department teaches such disciplines as the theory and methodology of the selected sport, the methodology of teaching the selected sport, physical training in the selected sport, technical and tactical training in the selected sport, age-specific training in the selected sport, sports and pedagogical skills in the selected sport, professional coaching in the selected sport, management of the process of sports training in the selected sport; general courses: basketball with teaching methods, volleyball with teaching methods, outdoor games, theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (according to the school curriculum).

The tasks of the disciplines are to give the future bachelor in the specialty “Physical Culture and sports” the amount of knowledge of the basics of the theory and methodology of teaching sports games, knowledge of the classification and conduct of methodological and practical classes in physical culture, safety in classes and lessons of physical culture, methods of conducting recreational physical culture and sports events. The student will receive the necessary knowledge and skills in providing first aid in case of injuries in sports and physical education classes; on the selection and use of training tools for technical and tactical techniques according to the updated school curriculum when conducting lessons on sports games.

The teaching staff of the department produces training and teaching aids for students on sports games.

The department has a modern material and technical base that allows for the training of qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports. Interactive technologies are widely used in the training process: lectures with multimedia accompaniment, TSO (video, audio, media libraries) in practical classes, sports gymnastic equipment and special equipment for teaching sports games. The pedagogical process is carried out using credit technology, the entire educational and methodological complex of disciplines of standard curricula has been developed on the basis of the working curriculum and the catalog of elective disciplines (at the student’s choice).

The department is equipped with 2 sports halls, a special audience for conducting methodological classes.

Training and production practice of students studying in the specialization of basketball, volleyball, tennis, hockey, handball, rugby is carried out according to the program, in accordance with the schedule of the educational process. The basis for conducting educational and industrial practice (professional and pedagogical) are schools-gymnasiums, sports clubs, youth schools, general education schools, correctional schools for children with disabilities.
