Science-research work

The department actively conducts research work on the theory, methods and development of scientific and methodological support of the highest achievements in football. PTC departments annually organize and participate in the promotion. The results of research are used for the improvement of teaching materials, courses of lectures, seminars, test and examination questions, practical, methodical and seminar classes with students and undergraduates.

The results of the NIR football department are included in the national team of coaches; in schools during educational and methodical work.

The department has been working  on the topic: “The relevance of speed-strength endurance among the football players of Kazakhstan.” The nature of research work: theoretical and experimental research, generalization of practical experience, drawing up a report, application in the training process. The order of the work: creation of experimental and control groups; conducting pedagogical experiments; theoretical and practical testing; research of morphological and functional indicators of those involved; processing scientific data and writing scientific articles on the topic of research.

Students under the guidance of teachers of the department participate in scientific and practical conferences KazAST, republican and international scientific competitions.
