
Address:050022 Almaty, Abai Ave., 85

Tel: 8 (727) 292 – 68 – 84, office 222


The Department of Science and International Relations carries out the organization and control over the conduct of research work in all educational and scientific units of the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism.

The scope of the department includes:

—organization and control of scientific research at faculties, departments, the scientific research institute of sport named after A.S. Ivanov, Research Institute of Tourism;

—organization and control of the provision of academic advising and scientific advice in the preparation of dissertations for doctoral students and undergraduates;

—information provision about scientific achievements and works on the profile of the academy in the CIS countries;

—conducting scientific conferences KazAST and other events related to the research activities of the university;

—organization and control of publishing activities: preparation and publication of the scientific-theoretical journal “Theory and methodology of Physical Education”, a collection of scientific articles of students and young scientists “Research of young scientists: Physical education, sport, tourism”, programs and collections of proceedings of conferences, congresses held in KazAST;

—supervising the activities of the Student Scientific Council (SSC) and the Council of Young Scientists (СYS);


Academic research work of KazAST students

Academic research work of students is one of the important components of higher education, an effective way to improve the quality of training. The research work of students is aimed at the formation and development of the skills of creative professional thinking by mastering scientific research methods and the ability to apply the achievements of scientific and technological progress in practice.

The Academy has a Student Scientific Council (SSC), Council of Young Scientists (CYS), as well as student scientific circles, which serve as the initial stage for professional development in the intellectual field of a student as a scientist.

In order to attract students to research and scientific activities, conferences, competitions, Olympiads of scientific works of students and undergraduates of the Academy are held annually. Students write scientific articles, make presentations at scientific conferences, seminars. Within the walls of the academy, the competition “For the best research work among students and undergraduates” is held annually.

The best students and undergraduates who take an active part in the research work are awarded with certificates, diplomas, and financial incentives.

In order to publish the main results of scientific research of students, undergraduates, and doctoral students, the Academy annually publishes a collection of scientific articles of students and young scientists “Research of young scientists: physical education, sport, tourism”.
