Research work of the Department of Wrestling and National Sports

The teaching staff of the department conducts research activities in the field of “Age and individual characteristics of the training of school-age athletes” covering theoretical, methodological and methodological issues of training athletes.

The department hosted the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Education, Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor, Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mikhail Nikolaevich Shepetyuk.

The teaching staff of the department conducts research work with students in the scientific circle “Orkeniyet”.

Every year the teaching staff of the department publishes textbooks, monographs, educational and teaching aids. Vice-Rector for Science and Strategic Development, Associate Professor of the Department, PhD Doshybekov A. B. has released a textbook ”theory and methodology of youth sports”.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M. N. Shepetyuk in 2023 released an educational and methodological manual ”organization of physical education and mass sports” in two languages.

Vice-Rector for Science and Strategic Development, Associate Professor of the Department, PhD Doshybekov A. B. directs a scientific project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “virtual foresight laboratory for the introduction of Olympic education into the system of functioning of secondary schools”.

Senior lecturer of the department Kopzhanov G. B. participates in two scientific projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “virtual foresight laboratory for the introduction of Olympic education into the system of work of secondary schools”, “formation of a healthy lifestyle of university students based on the analysis of indicators of the World Health Organization scale ((WHOQOL-BREF) Kaz)”

The teaching staff of the department actively publishes data on research activities in the journals of the INN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, journals with a percentile index on the cite Score of the Scopus database, as well as on the basis of Web of Science, in collections of materials of international scientific conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, countries of the far and near abroad.

Publications of teachers of the National Sports and Wrestling Department

Уровень публикации 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Textbooks, monographs, teaching aids 1 1 6 3
Articles published in the Scopus database   6
Articles published in foreign countries and countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States 11 2
Articles published in journals of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan 8 15 8
Scientific articles published in other journals of the Republic of Kazakhstan or foreign publications 2 3 2 15 14