Employees SRI of sport

Р.БекембетоваБекембетова Райса Абдрахмановна – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of Sport of the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism. Scientific work experience in sports science – 44 years. In 2006 she was included in the complex scientific group (CSG) preparation for the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing (2006-2008) in the field of sports physiology and biochemistry. From 2009 to 2012, she worked at the CSG in preparation for the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver (2010) and the Summer Olympic Games in London (2012) in the same capacity. More than 70 scientific papers have been published.


Т.А.МакогоноваМакогонова Татьяна Александровна – Senior Researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of Sport of the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism. She graduated from the Kazakh Institute of Physical Education, in 1996  and was awarded the qualification of physical education teacher, sports coach. She completed her postgraduate course in the specialty “Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical education” in 2006. She took part in the complex scientific group on biomedical support of the preparation of the national teams of Kazakhstan for participation on Olympic Games in 2008. In Beijing, XXI Winter Olympic Games in 2010. In Vancouver, VII Winter Asian Games Almaty (2011), XXX Summer Olympic Games in 2012. In London, World Winter Universiade 2017, in Almaty, Winter Olympic Games  in Pyeongchang 2018.

М.СтепановСтепанов Максим Сергеевич – Junior Researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of Sport of the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism. He studied at the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism specialty (bachelor) in 2009-2013. Also he studied master course at Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, in Tourism specialty.
