Research work of students of the Department of Gymnastics and Swimming

Achievements of students of the gymnastics and swimming department

Student’s full name Name of the competition Place and date of the competition Competition level (Regional, Republican, International) Rank
1 Tursunova Alika Farkhadovna International Forum “Priority scientific and pedagogical directions of development of physical culture, sport, tourism, education and science” Almaty, 12.04.2023. International 2nd degree diploma
2 Tursunova Alika Farkhadovna XII International Conference of Students and Young Scientists “University Sport: Health and Prosperity of the Nation” Cholpon-Ata, September 4-8, 2023 International Diploma for participation
3 Adilova M.


«Нәрестелердің заманауи жүзу әдістемелеріне әдеби шолу және сұрақтың жағдайы» Almaty,


4 Saidalin I. «Мінсіз жаттықтырушы кім және ол қандай болуы керек?» Almaty,



НИРС кафедры ГиП НИРС кафедры ГиП (1)

Presentation at the XII International Conference of Students and Young Scientists

Publications of undergraduate and graduate students

Full name of the student / Master’s student, co-authors Title of publication Imprint:

journal / collection, city, year, indication of pages

1 Vyazigina M. Scientific “Specificity of preparation of athletes 17-18 years old in summer polyathlon semi-annual cycle” Proceedings of Frontier Academy of KNB RK- №4, 2021
  Ахметова А., Сатаева Ж, Тасболат С. «Жүзу спортының адам ағзасының жекелей физиологиялық жүйелеріне және қызметтік күйіне әсері» –                   – Сборник научных статей студентов и молодых учёных КазАСТ (17), г. Алматы 2022год – страницы 22-36
  Akhmetova A., Satayeva J, Tasbolat S. «Жүзу спортының адам ағзасының жекелей физиологиялық жүйелеріне және қызметтік күйіне әсері» – Collection of scientific articles of students and young scientists KazAST (17), Almaty 2022 – pages 22-36
  Nazarova L.H. “Adaptive physical culture for younger schoolchildren with speech impairment” – Collection of scientific articles of students and young scientists KazAST (17), Almaty 2022 – pages 76-81
  Krylova E. “The role of general hygienic means of recovery in the system of optimization and acceleration of processes of post-load recovery of female athletes of artistic swimming” – Collection of scientific articles of students and young scientists KazAST (17), Almaty 2022 – pages 68-73

Program of the Student Scientific Conference

At the Department of Gymnastics and Swimming in 2022 the scientific circle “Eureka” was successfully organized, which continued its activities from September to May 2023. Within the framework of this circle, a number of activities were organized to stimulate students’ scientific activity and develop their research skills.

Among the activities organized within the framework of the Eureka Science Circle were meetings on “The Role of Science in Modern Society”, as well as round tables held with the participation of senior teachers. One of such events was a round table held by senior lecturer Gusakov I.V. on the theme “Youth and science: problems and prospects”. In January another round table was held on the topic “How to write a scientific article”.

Besides, within the framework of the scientific circle “Eureka” students together with the teachers of the department wrote and sent articles to the annual scientific-practical conferences devoted to the specializations of gymnastics and swimming. These events not only contributed to the development of students’ scientific interests, but also allowed them to gain valuable experience in scientific work and publication of scientific articles.

The scientific circle “Eureka” at the Department of Gymnastics and Swimming has become a fruitful platform for active scientific exchange and cooperation between students and teachers, contributing to the development of scientific potential of the young generation and promoting scientific research in the field of physical education and sport.
