Magdalena Rokicka-Hebel

магдаленаHigher School of Tourism and Hotel Industry in Gdańsk – Doctor of Philosophy, assistant professor.

Education: The Jędrzej Śniadecki University School of Physical Educations and Sport in  Gdańsk – Physical Recreation with a specialization in horse riding (1994-1998)

Academic degree: Doctor of philosophy

Academic title: assistant professor

Main scientific direction: recreation theory and methodology, leisure planning, active tourism.

Field of work: physical education and tourism

Dissertation works:

Doctoral thesis: «Implementation of Preschool Education Programs; and Physical Activity and Motion Skills of Children on the example of children in Gdańsk kindergartens».

Scientific publications:

  • Rokicka-Hebel M. (2004) Determinants of the choice of horse riding as a form of physical activity among various ways of spending free time by the Tri-City residents. W: B. Marciszewska, J. Ożdziński (red.): Rekreacja, Turystyka, Kultura. Współczesne problemy i  perspektywy wykorzystywania czasu wolnego. Gdańsk: AWFiS.
  • Rokicka-Hebel M., Ziółkowska J., Patyna A. (2016) The professional profile of a leisure time animator in tourism and recreation services. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity.
  • Rokicka-Hebel M. (2004) Physical activity and the problem of hypokinesia in human life. Rocznik Naukowy. Gdańsku: AWFiS.
  • Rokicka-Hebel M., (2014) Corrective gymnastics and motor skills of five- and six-year-old children. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, vol. 6, nr 2, s. 114-126.

Rokicka-Hebel M., Ziółkowska J., Patyna A. (2016) The professional profile of a leisure time  animator in tourism and recreation services. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity
