Dusenko Svetlana Viktorovna


Dusenko Svetlana Viktorovna


Head of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality at the Institute of Tourism, Recreation, Rehabilitation and Fitness of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIFK).

Regalia: Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

Education: Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Pedagogical Institute, 1989

Diploma specialty: Russian language and literature.

Qualification: teacher of Russian language and literature.

Additional education:

Defense of a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sociological Sciences on the topic: “The structure and function of the social space of tourism (sociologicalanalysis)in the specialty 22.00.04 -“Social structure, social institutions and processes “, 2014.

Defense of a thesis for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences on the topic: “Infrastructure in the system of regional tourism management on the example of the Khabarovsk Territory”, specialty 22.00.08 – “Sociology of Management”, 2000

Sphere of professional interests: Sociology of tourism, social space of tourism, socio-cultural aspects of tourism, tourism infrastructure, hotel service technologies, hotel classification, service standards, quality of services, training for tourism and hospitality, quality of life, art, culture.

Scientific works:

  1. Учебное пособие «Профессиональная этика и этикет», 2011 г.; Гриф Министерстваобразования Российской Федерации.
  2. Учебное пособие «Социально-культурный сервис и туризм: профессиональная этика и этикет», 2004 г.;

Учебное пособие «Управление социально-культурной сферой и туризмом», 2004 г.

