Бирута Швагждиене



Education: Siauliai University. 2010. Education Sciences Doctor of Social Sciences. SU Nr. 000043

Academic title:          Prof.dr. LSU. 2011 m.

Science degree:         Doctor, SU, 2010-12-23

Field of Science:        Management

Courses taught:         Sports and Tourism policy and management; Global political, economic and cultural interaction; Sport and Tourism Management I; Sport and Tourism Management II; Leisure management organizations; Tourism Organization

The main place of work and responsibilities: Sports educology faculty, Sports management, economics and sociology department, Head of Department, Professor.

Reports read at international conferences over the last three years      

  1. International scientific-practical conference “RISK ASSESSMENT FEATURES OF TOURISM SERVICE PROVIDERS”, 15th EBES Conference, 2015 (2015.01.06-08), Lisbon, Portugal.
  2. International scientific-practical conference 7 TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2015) 05-07 February 2015, Novotel Conference Center, Athens – Greece.
  3. International scientific-practical conference LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SPORT EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE IN SPORT SCIENCE. March 23 – 25, 2015, Riga, Latvia.
  4. International scientific-practical conference „6ТН WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES”. Malta 2014.02.06-09

5.         VII International scientific-practical conference „Индустрия туризма: возможности, приоритеты, проблемы и перспективы. 15-16 мая 2014, Moscow, Russia
