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Meeting of activists “Hody, Russia”

           The first meeting of the All-Russian movement “Move, Russia!” was held in Sochi from February…

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We congratulate Suykenov Dauren, who took the second place in judo competition among 60 kg weight category in Rome, the…

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From February 14 to 15, a volleyball tournament was held between employees and teachers of universities in Almaty, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Academy of Sport and Tourism and the memory of the honored coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Karazhanov Bektleu.

From February 14 to 15, a volleyball tournament was held between employees and teachers of universities in Almaty, dedicated to…

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The open championship of KazAST was held from February 6 to 8, 2019 dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism and in support of the Year of Youth.

The open championship of KazAST was held from February 6 to 8, 2019 dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the…

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(Русский) Поздравляем Президента нашей академии К.К. Закирьянова с присвоением звания “Почетный доктор Кубанского государственного университета физической культуры, спорта и туризма ” и подписанием договора о сотрудничестве между КазАСТ и КГУФКСТ.

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The article “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” has a deep meaning

      On November 21, 2018, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.Nazarbayev, published an article entitled…

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(Казахский) Қазақ спорт және туризм академиясының 75 жылдығына және Жастар жылын қолдау аясында студенттер арасында бокстан ҚазСТа ашық біріншілігі өтті.

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(Казахский) 2019 жылдың 5 ақпанында Қазақ спорт және туризм академиясының басшылығы ҚР Ұлттық Олимпиада Комитетінің Вице-президенті Д.Р.Әбілғазинмен және де басқа да ҰОК өкілдерімен кездесті.

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(Казахский) 21 ақпан 2019 ж.

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(Русский) Прошел круглый стол, посвященный обсуждению содержания статьи Главы государства «Семь граней Великой степи»

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(Казахский) Хабарландыру

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(Казахский) Хабарландыру

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November 29, 2018 The Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism hosted a meeting with Honored Worker of the Republic of…

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The President of the Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism is one of the best.

     The site prosport.kz has made the rating of the most influential 30 personalities of Kazakhstan sports. We are very proud…

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Our wrestlers returned from Petropavlovsk as winners.

     In the Palace of Sports named after Alexandra Vinokurov started the Championship of Kazakhstan on Kazakh wrestling. The…

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Academy students became judo prize winners in competitions for the Asian Cup in Aktau

         From 3 to 4 November 2018 In the sports complex “Mangystau-Arena” in Aktau, judo competitions were…

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The judo championship of Kazakhstan was held in Astana.

     From 13 to 16 November 2018 in the sports complex “Daulet” of Astana the Judo Championship of Kazakhstan…

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The Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism celebrated its birthday – 74thanniversary and student initiation ceremony.

  It’s been 74 years from the formation of Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism. On November 14, 2018, in…

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From September 31 to October 6, 2018, the Annual All-Russian meeting of students of universities of physical culture and sport took place in Russia in the city of Sochi.

        From September 31 to October 6, 2018, the Annual All-Russian meeting of students of universities of…

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Journalism is one of the most interesting professions

     On November 1, a creative meeting was held in KazAST with Zhuldyz Abdilda, deputy director of ZhasOrken LLP, and…

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