Educational and methodological work of the Department of Boxing, Weightlifting and Martial Arts

Educational and methodological work at the department is carried out in accordance with the state standard of education in the specialty of physical education and sports.

Teachers of the department have developed standard programs for specialty disciplines, approved by the methodological commission. Based on these programs, work and educational programs are developed in all disciplines of the department on credit technology of education, approved at a meeting of the department.

The department keeps minutes of meetings, a log of mutual visits by teachers of training sessions, student attendance logs, individual plans, the content of which corresponds to the work performed and the qualifications of the teaching staff.

Current and final control of students’ knowledge is carried out in accordance with the approved examination cards.

Educational and methodological work is carried out taking into account modern requirements of credit technology. Educational documentation, if necessary, is provided to students and undergraduates in electronic form. Classes are conducted in the form of lectures, seminars, methodological and practical classes.

Students’ independent work is supervised by teachers leading the disciplines of boxing, weightlifting and martial arts.

In accordance with the curriculum, students of the department undergo pedagogical and basic practical training at sports bases in the city, which are supervised by experienced teachers, methodologists and leading trainers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the department, teachers of the department practice mutual visits to training sessions and discuss them. Before the end of each semester, at department meetings, the state of affairs of students in terms of the quality of academic performance is discussed and proper monitoring is carried out by advisers.

Teachers of the department publish textbooks:

Gabdullin A.B., Botagariev T.A., Zhunusbekov Zh.I. – 1-2 year student kyzdarynyn anthropometrical sipattamalary men qozgalys sapasyn esepke ala otyryp deneni zhetildiru technologies: Oku-adistemelik kuraly.- Almaty: “Epigraph”, 2021. -168 bet.

Zhunusbekov Zh.I. – Zhalpy bіlіm beretіn mektepterdegi sabaqtan thousand dene tarbiesi zhumystary (taekwondo mysalynda): Oku kuraly, – Almaty: Kazsta, 2023.- 289 bet.
