Science of the Department of Gymnastics and Swimming

The following works were carried out in the department in the direction of research work:

– Methodical recommendations on improvement of technical preparedness of sports reserve in water sports (sports swimming, artistic swimming, water polo, etc.) of the Republic of Kazakhstan were developed.

– Within the framework of the project was held business trip to Granada, Spain for the purpose of scientific internship. During the individual scientific internship meeting of the delegation of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism (Kazakhstan) and the University of Granada (Spain).

Also, according to the plan of internship, the executors of the project IRN AR09260551, head of the Department of Gymnastics and Swimming KazAST, Dr. PhD Ermakhanova A.B. and senior lecturer of the department, Dr. PhD Gusakov I.V. held a number of working meetings to actualize the directions of mutually beneficial cooperation with Professor, Dr. PhD Raul Areiano Colomina. They visited the Faculty of Sports Sciences, library, department and Aquatics Lab equipped with the latest technologies in the field of biomechanics for video analysis in water sports. Besides, they met with representatives of the international department and the parties identified promising activities for the next academic year. As a result of the internship they received special certificates “D. Raúl Arellano Colomina, with DNI 05358330C, Professor at the University of Granada and Director of the Singular Aquatics Laboratory of the University of Granada in the Swimming Pool of the Faculty of Sports Sciences”.

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According to the results of researches developed and published:

Article in the journal Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  1. Tokareva S.V., Kefer N.E. Ermakhanova A.B., Nurmukhanbetova D.K, Golokha L.I. Study of psychological training issues in water sports. Journal “Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture” №1 (71), 2023.

Materials of international conferences:

  1. Sergeeva A.A., Ermakhanova A.B., Kefer N.E. Methodology of development of motor-coordination abilities of children of secondary school age (11-12 years) in swimming through volleyball. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference of university teachers, school teachers, students and young scientists “PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES OF DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS”. Almaty, Kazakhstan, February 10, 2023.
  2. Scientific report at the plenary session. “Preparation of sports reserve in aquatic sports: state, problems and prospects (on the example of artistic swimming)”. Ermakhanova A.B., Nurmukhanbetova D.K., Gusakov I.V., Kefer N.E., Tokareva S. V. Collection of materials VІІІІ International scientific – practical conference “Modern problems of physical culture and sport development”. Editorial publishing house of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, Aktobe 2023 – p. 23-27.

Methodical recommendations

  1. Methodical recommendations “Increase of technical preparedness of sports reserve in artistic swimming”. Ermakhanova A.B., Nurmukhanbetova D.K., Gusakov I.V., Kefer N.E., Tokareva S.V., Golokha L.I. – Almaty: KazAST, 2023.- 44p.
  2. Methodical recommendations “Increase of technical preparedness of sports reserve in swimming”. Ermakhanova A.B., Nurmukhanbetova D.K., Gusakov I.V., Kefer N.E., Tokareva S.V., Golokha L.I. – Almaty: KazAST, 2023. – 70p.
  3. Methodical recommendations “Increase of technical preparedness of sports reserve in water polo”. Ermakhanova A.B., Nurmukhanbetova D.K., Gusakov I.V., Kefer N.E., Tokareva S.V., Golokha L.I. – Almaty: KazAST, 2023.- 50p.

Methodical recommendations will be helpful for bachelor students of coaching and pedagogical faculties, studying the discipline “Swimming”, coaches of children’s and youth sports schools (Children’s and Youth Sports Schools), specialized children’s and youth schools of Olympic reserve (SDYUSHOR), schools – boarding schools for children gifted in sports, schools of higher sportsmanship, masters, doctoral students, teachers, whose professional activity is connected with sports and athletes specializing in water sports (sports swimming, artistic swimming, water polo, etc.) of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ) of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Article in the Journal of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  1. Artyushenko I.V., Tokareva S.V., Kudashova L.R. Nurmukhanbetova D.K., Ermakhanova A.B. Study of individual psychophysiological features of water polo players influencing the process of adaptation to physical loads. Journal “Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture” № 3 (73), 2023.

Articles in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed in Social Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index and (or) Russian Science Citation Index of Web of Science base and (or) having a percentile on CiteScore in Scopus base not less than 35 (thirty-five):

. Dinara Nurmukhanbetova, Ilya Gussakov, Amina Yermakhanova Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism (Kazajistán). The influence of the low-volume high-intensity method training on the indicators of speed and strength qualities of young high skill level swimmers La influencia del método de entrenamiento de bajo volumen y alta intensidad en los indicadores de las cualidades de velocidad y fuerza de nadadores jóvenes de alto nivel. 2023, Retos, 50, 446-455 © Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 ( 446 – Retos, número 50, 2023 (4º trimestre)

  1. 2. Gussakov Ilya, Olzhas Akimov, Nurmukhanbetova Dinara, Yermakhanova Amina, Bakytbek Konakbayev, Kefer Natalya. Optimization of the speed-strength training technique for highly qualified swimmers // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. – 2023. – Vol. 23, Iss. 4. – P. 950-956. – Article number 119, percentile for physical therapy, sports therapy and rehabilitation is 55.


  1. “Su sporty turlerin okytu theorii men әdistemesi”. Ermakhanova A.B., Nurmukhanbetova D.K., Gusakov I.V., Kozhakov N.K. – Almaty: KazAST, 2023. – 252б.

Methodical recommendations:

  1. Methodical recommendations “Improvement of psychological and pedagogical support of sports reserve training in water sports”. Tokareva S.V., Golokha L.I., Kefer N.E., Nurmukhanbetova D.K., Ermakhanova A.B., Gusakov I.V., – Almaty: KazAST, 2023. – 95 с.

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The results of research (methodical recommendations, manuals, monograph) are implemented in the system of training of sports reserve in the Federation of water sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the educational process of NAO KazAST on OP GOP “Training of physical education teachers”.
