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Health Day was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of KazAST.

The management of KazAST and the department of sports and technical sports 16.02.2019. held a health day at the sports and tourist base “Kaimar” for the academy staff and their families.
Health Day was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of KazAST.
The Health Day program consisted of:
1. Construction and holding of the parade during which, the participants were addressed with congratulatory words on behalf of the President of KazAST, Professor K.K. Zakiryanova 1st pro-rector Eskaliev MM and Head. The departments of Plakhuta, GA
1. Skiing in different categories of difficulty.
2.Kataniya with slides on sleds, bolognah and other available means.
3. Walking through the snow-covered hills.
4. Sun baths.
5. Disco in the snow.
6. Lunch on a halt.
Employees and members of their families who participated in competitive programs were awarded in nominations.