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The judo championship of Kazakhstan was held in Astana.

From 13 to 16 November 2018 in the sports complex “Daulet” of Astana the Judo Championship of Kazakhstan was held. 437 judoists from 14 regions of the country and representatives of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent participated in these competitions. As a result of the personal Championship of Kazakhstan, judoists of the Almaty region in the overall standings won 4 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medal and became the leaders of the competition.
Below is a list of judoists who participated in the 2018 Kazakhstan Championship on behalf of the Academy and who became winners:
I – place
Raifova Z., 63kg undergraduate
Scherbakova A., 70 kg undergraduate
Turdan A., 63kg 3-year student
II – place
Kubasheva N., 78kg teacher
Karasaykyzy K., 57 kg undergraduate
III- place
Berlikash K., 78kg 3-year student
Bugylbaeva A., 52kg 4-yearstudent
Habi A., 63kg 3-yearstudent