Educational and methodological work of the Department of Wrestling and NVS

At the department, educational and methodological work and the educational process are carried out in the following specializations: “Sport wrestling” (freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, sambo, judo) and “National sports” (Kazakh kuresi).

The department teaches disciplines of specialization: Theory and methodology of the chosen sport; Methods of teaching the chosen sport; Physical training in the chosen sport; Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport; Age-related features of training in the chosen sport; Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport; Professional coaching in the chosen sport; Managing the process of sports training in a chosen sport; general course discipline: National sports and wrestling

The department has a modern material and technical base that allows for the training of qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports. Interactive technologies are widely used in the learning process: lectures with multimedia accompaniment, TSO (video, audio, media libraries) in practical classes, special equipment for teaching sports types of wrestling. Teachers develop an educational and methodological complex of disciplines based on the TUE, a working curriculum and a catalog of elective disciplines.

The department has 2 halls for wrestling, a special auditorium for conducting methodical classes. The educational and industrial practice of students studying in specializations (freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, sambo, judo, National sports) is conducted according to the program, in accordance with the schedule of the educational process. The basis for conducting educational and industrial practice (professional and pedagogical) are gymnasium schools, sports clubs, youth schools, secondary schools.

The teaching staff of the department produces educational and methodical manuals for students on sports types of wrestling.


Educational and methodological literature published by the teaching staff of the Department of Wrestling and Armed Forces for 2019-2023.

Last name first name report Title literature Co-authorship Note
1 Шепетюк М.Н. «Физическая подготовка в дзюдо», учебное пособие, Алматы 2019.-235 с. Житкеев А.Р.,

Насиев Е.К.,

Сайлаубаев Ж.Н.,

Райфова З.Р.

2 Алимханов Е. «ҚАЗАҚ КҮРЕСІ» (оқыту, үйрету,жаттықтыру) Учебник, Алматы 2020.- 190 б.    
3 Шепетюк М.Н. «Теория и методика спортивной борьбы», учебное пособие, Алматы 2020.-362 с.    
4 Шепетюк М.Н. «Организация занятий физической культурой и массовыми видами спорта», учебно-методическое пособие, Алматы 2023. – 298 с. Б.З. Зауренбеков,

А.В.Тен, Е.К.Байтасов,

А.М. Телемгенова

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