Regina Andriukaitienė


Regina Andriukaitienė

      Education: Vilnius Pedagogical University, specialty Russian language and literature and educational work methodology, 1979 – 1984.

      Science degree: PhD

       Main research fields and results

Since 2014, while studying in doctoral studies of Social sciences, Management, the main research theme management culture and corporate social responsibility. Since 2015, the research area is wider and has new themes of human resources, human relations, management, mobbing and business ethics. Scientific research includes the areas of entrepreneurship, especially corporate social responsibility, business ethics and human relations.

Since 2012, a member of a scientist’s group ‘Strategic Management of Human Resources in Sports Industry’.


Scientific monographs and studies:

  1. Vveinhardt, Jolita; Andriukaitiene, Regina. Mobingo, kaip psichosocialinio stresoriaus prevencija, jgyvendinant jmoniij socialin^ atsakomyb?: mokslo studija. Lietuvos sporto universitetas.- Kaunas, 2016 2016, p 206.ISBN 978-609-8200-05-5
  2. Andriukaitiene, R., Vienazindiene, M. The public sector governance, assumptions for effective governance and methods of public sector performance assessment. Публ1чне управлшня та адмппстрування в умовах шформацшного суспшьства: вггчизняний заруб1жний досвщ,-р. 324-354. ISBN 978-617-685-027-4
  3. Vienazindiene, М., Andriukaitiene, R. Laws of public governance and administration and trends of governance change in the context of the new public management. Публ1чне управлшня та адмшютрування в умовах шформацшного суспшьства: в1тчизняний i заруб1жний досвщ,- держ. шж. акад. – Зaпopiжжя: ЗД1А, 2016. р. 182-210. ISBN 978-617-685-027-4

Research Articles: Scientific articles in Thomson Reuters Web of Science database journal ISI Web of Science46 with citation index (IF > 0.2 AIF):

  1. Vveinhardt, Jolita; Andriukaitiene, Regina. Management culture as part of organizational culture in the context of corporate social responsibility implementation /Economics & sociology. ISSN 2071-789X 2017, vol. 10, no. 3. p. 294-320.
  2. Vveinhardt, Jolita; Andriukaitiene, Regina, Martin, Grancay. Integrated actions for decrease and/or elimination of mobbing as a psychosocial stressor in the organizations accessing and implementing corporate social responsibility/ Inzinerine ekonomika = Engineering economics / Kaunas University of Technology. ISSN 1392-2785 2017, vol. 28, no. 4. p. 432-445.
  3. Vveinhardt, Jolita; Andriukaitiene, Regina. Model of establishment of the level of management culture for managerial decision making with the aim of implementing corporate social responsibility. Transformations in Business & Economics = Verslo ir ekonomikos transformacijos / Vilniaus universitetas, Bmo technologijos universitetas, Latvijos universitetas. 2016, vol. 15, No. 2B(38B). ISSN p. 615-629. [Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science); Central & Eastern European Academic Source (EBSCO); IBSS; EconLit with Full Text (EBSCO); e-JEL; Scopus; Cabell’s Directory], [cit. rod.: 0,374, kat. cit. rod.: 1,514 (2014 Journal Citation Reports® Social Sciences Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2015))]

Vveinhardt, Jolita; Andriukaitiene, Regina. Diagnostics of management culture in order to implement the concept of a socially responsible company: the case of a concern. E & M Ekonomie a management. ISSN 1212-3609 2016, vol. 19, iss. 3. p. 142-157. [Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)EconLit it with Full Text, Scopus,Abi/Inform.

