Professors-teaching staff of the Department of Boxing and Heavy Athletics, Oriental Martial Arts

Ахмадиев Akhmadiev Tolgar Mukhtarovich – head of the department, master degree, graduate of KazAST, associate professor of KazAST, MSMK.

The area of scientific research is the features of professional training of bachelors of physical culture and sports, specializing in national martial arts of the East.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”. Specialization – martial arts.

Contacts: +77772495011, +77022845641,

345346 Zhunusbekov Zhaxybek Ibragimovich – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Taekwondo, MS of the Republic of Kazakhstan, black belt 5-dan, international taekwondo instructor, Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (Russia), graduate of KazAST.

The field of scientific research is the theory and methodology of physical culture and sports.

About 150 works of a scientific and methodological nature have been published, including publications in international peer-reviewed journals included in the Scopus database.

Teaching disciplines: Theory, methods and practice of the chosen kind of sport (at the university and in elite sports). Specialization. Oriental martial arts., Health-improving orientation of loads with teaching methods for sports, Methodology of scientific research in physical culture and sports.

Contacts: 8-708 368 28 30,

Габдулов Gabdulov Eduard Khamzaevich – Honored Trainer of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Associate Professor, Professor of KazAST.

The field of scientific research is the method of pre-competitive training of athletes in boxing.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

 Specializing in boxing.

Contacts: +7777 681 65 50

6436gh Karmenov Kairat Mautkhanovich – Senior Lecturer, Master

The field of scientific research is the organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the training of boxers.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

Specializing in boxing.

Contacts: +77003507374

9345gh Kasymbekov Mustafa Askarovich – graduate of KazAST, Ph.D. assistant professor.

The field of scientific research is the focus of boxers’ training methods on the development of readiness to choose combat tactics.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

Specializing in boxing.

Contacts: +77074973981

642472gh Saduakasov Dastan Tileubayevich – Honored Trainer of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Senior Lecturer.

The field of scientific research is the focus of boxers’ training methods on the development of readiness to choose combat tactics.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

Specializing in boxing.

Contacts: +7777 534 44 85

23252 Baiyrbekov Aidyn Dosbatyrovich – master degree,  graduate of KazAST, master of sports

The field of scientific research is the methodology of managing the adaptation of athletes to specific motor actions in Thai boxing.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

Specialization – martial arts.

Contacts: +77018236373

Болдырев Boldyrev Boris Naumovich – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, graduate of KazAST.

The field of scientific research is the pedagogical system of physical training of boxers.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

Specialization – martial arts.

Contacts: +87772670277

Бараев Baraev Khamit Aubakirovich – Honored Trainer of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Associate Professor, Professor of KazAST.

The area of scientific research is the formation of a boxer’s readiness for a fight with representatives of various technical and tactical fighting styles.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

Specializing in boxing.

Contacts: +77476963494

Гнутов Gnutov German Stanislavovich – master degree, graduate of KazAST, master of sports.

Research area – Injury prevention in weightlifting.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”, “Strength training”.

Specialization – weightlifting, powerlifting, arm wrestling, kettlebell lifting.

Contacts: +77079623812,

Мусакулов Musakulov Saken Abikulovich – senior. teacher, master of sports of international class.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

Specialization – martial arts.

Contacts: +77077050538

Бердыбеков Berdybekov Altynbek Asylbekovich – Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

 Specializing in boxing.

Contacts: +77051918362

Кокушев Kokushev Kuanyshpay Zadykenovich – Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Teaching disciplines: Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport (weightlifting)

мадыбеков Sabyrbek Madybekovteacher, Honored coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of Sports of the USSR, Master of Sports of the International class of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National judge of the highest category in hand-to-hand combat. Badge of honor: For services to the development of physical education and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.

Specializationmartial arts.

Contacts: +77051077547

сарсенов Sarsenov Darkhan Nurlanuly – teacher, coach of the highest category

The field of scientific research is the orientation of the armwrestler technique to the development of readiness for the choice of fighting tactics.

Teaching disciplines: “Theory and methods in the chosen sport”, “Methods of teaching in the chosen sport”, “Physical training in the chosen sport”, “Technical and tactical training in the chosen sport”, “Age features of training in the chosen sport ”, “Sports and pedagogical skills in the chosen sport”, “Managing the process of sports training in the chosen sport”, “Professional coaching in the chosen sport”.


Contacts: +77757221740

