In the period from April 18 to April 23, 2023, under the Erasmus+ program, lecturers of the Lithuanian Sports University, leading specialists in kinesitherapy, Doctor of Social Sciences, Associate Professor Vida Ostaviciene and Master of Sports Educology Aida Vengale, gave lectures and showed master classes for students and academic staff of KazAST.
In May 2023, under the Erasmus+ program, Ph.D., senior lecturer of the department of theoretical foundations of physical culture and sports, Vice-Rector for Science and Strategic Development Shalabaeva L.I., went to the University of Granada (Spain), who gave a course of lectures on “Psychology” and got acquainted with the work university abroad, met with the leadership of the university to determine a further plan of work between our universities.
19.09.2023 – 23.09.2023, a course of lectures on the discipline “Sports Management” was given by Ph.D., professor of the Higher School of Economics in Bydgoszcz (Poland) Skaliy Alexander.
09.10.2023-13.10.2023, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the department of “Anatomy, physiology and sports medicine”, the best teacher of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2015, Lesbekova Ryskul Boranovna gave a course of lectures on the topic “Physiological foundations of physical culture and sports” for students and academic staff of the Academy of Physical Education and Mass Sports (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan).
19.10.2023 Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (Republic of Belarus) Soroka Oksana Gennadievna gave a course of lectures for KazAST master’s students on Pedagogical disciplines.
30.10.2023-04.11.2023, under the Erasmus+ program, Rimantas Mikalauskas, Ph.D., professor of the Lithuanian Sports University (Kaunas, Lithuania), gave a course of lectures for KazAST students and showed master classes on “Sports Management”.
At the Department of theoretical foundations of Physical Culture and sports, under the guidance of the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Andrushchishin I.F. completed a scientific internship in the field of “Psychological support of Athletes”, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Volga Region University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Usmanova Z.T.