Educational work of the Department of Foreign languages

The educational work of the KR&FL department is carried out in accordance with plans approved by the deans of the Academy’s faculties.


Particular attention in working with students is paid to the moral education of youth, the formation of a legal culture, the education of internationalism and patriotism, and tolerance. This is facilitated by the content of such disciplines as “Kazakh language”, “Russian language”, “English language”, “Professional Kazakh language”, “Professional English language”.


  1. Events in education patriotism, internationalism and humanism:

For the 2021-2023 academic year, a number of thematic conversations were planned on moral and ethnic problems among students, raising a worthy citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In September 2021, the teaching staff of the department held conversations with students of the FOS, FPS&MA, and FT in civic-patriotic education on the main points of the Annual Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan.

In October, teachers of the department held a round table on the topic: “Countering religious extremism and terrorism in the light of the current political situation in the world community.”

In accordance with the letter of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education and based on the Regulations dated 10/13/2022 an essay competition was held among students and undergraduates of KazAST on the topic: “The Kazakhstan of my dreams”, dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The department held a patriotic event dedicated to Victory Day “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. Kazakhstanis in the Great Patriotic War.” Responsible c.p.s. Minbaeva S.M.

On April 28, 2023, The Department of KR&FL conducted a patriotic dictation “Generation of free nation” among 1-4 year students of the FOS, FPS&MA and Tourism. The aim: fostering love for the Motherland, respect for the history of the country; formation of patriotic consciousness; interest in the culture and heritage of the Kazakh people; development of a common worldview through the study and understanding of the Kazakh and Russian languages.

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In November 2023 senior teachers of the department Adilbekova R.A., Akylbaeva T.Zh., Boltaeva G.A. with the 1st year students of FOS, FPS&MA visited the house-museum of A. Baitursynov. The key purpose of visiting the museum was to popularize among students the heritage of the son of the Kazakh people, Akhmet Baitursynov. To acquaint the younger generation with the stages of the life of a teacher of the Nation, instilling in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and love for their country. Students received a lot of interesting and useful information.

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  1. Events on legal education and anti-corruption culture:

 From February 20 to February 26, 2023, the teaching staff of the KR&FL department, according to the schedule, held duty in the student dormitory. Teachers of the department kept order, visited students’ rooms and held conversations on current socio-political topics, about a healthy lifestyle such as “Culture of behavior in public places”, “The importance of sport in our lives”, “No way to drug addiction”, “Patriotism is a fundamental of our future”.


Faculty members of the department participate actively in all academic events.


 III. Participation of academy students in competitions at various levels under the leadership of the department teaching staff

The 1st year student of FOS 21-4 Din-Mukhamet took an active part in the essay competition dedicated to International Literacy Day September-December 2021. The UNESCO Almaty team noted the essay; the student was awarded a certificate of honor and an incentive prize. (Responsible – c.p.s., Associate Professor of the Department of Languages Minbaeva S.M.).


  1. In vocational and labor education, teachers of the department constantly monitor the progress of students studying on an individual schedule. Teachers of the department carried out educational work during training sessions. At department meetings, issues of educational work with students are regularly discussed. A lecture was held on the topic “Kazakhstan is our common home.”

From October 4 to October 6, 2023 at the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages, a student essay competition was held on the topic: “My profession is my conscious choice” among the 1st year students of FPS&MA, FOS, and Tourism. Students wrote essays in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. The total number of works is 315. The main goals of the essay are updating creative activity among students, increasing the level of social self-awareness of students. Many students wrote that they chose the profession of physical education and sports teacher because of their love for sports. In the future, students want to teach children how to do physical exercises and show the benefits of physical exercises for the whole body. They see their future students as champions, etc. In their essays, students prove with examples how physical health affects mental, harmonious state and thoughts. Students were able to convey the author’s position on the topic and formulate recommendations for solving the problem raised in the essay topic.

  1. On spiritual and moral education, during the academic year the teaching staff of the department carried out individual work with students to develop a tolerant attitude towards people of other religions.

In terms of cultural and moral education, the department held the following events: On November 26, the department held the Language Festival “Til Daryn 2021”, in which students of the FOS, the FPS&MA, and the RB&HB took part. (It was held competitions in Kazakh, Russian and English for knowledge of languages).


December 6, 2023 the department held the language festival “Til-Daryn”. The purpose of the festival is to instill a love of languages; improving general language culture; interest in language as an academic subject; fostering a caring attitude towards culture, traditions and customs; development of the intellectual and creative potential of students. The places were distributed as following: the 1st place FOS, the 2nd place FT, the 3rd place FPS&MA.

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On March 4, 2022 the department held a literary and musical event dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Kazakh public and political figure, member of the Alash party, educator, linguist, literary critic, turkologist, poet and translator Akhmet Baitursynov “Language is a father of knowledge”, in which students of the FOS, the FPS&MA took part , RB&HB. (Responsible senior teacher Akylbaeva T.Zh.).

On March 14, 2023, the teaching staff of the department held an event with students of Russian groups on the topic: “Athletes of New Kazakhstan” dedicated to the Nauryz holiday. The competition took place between students of the faculty of Olympic sports, professional sports and martial arts and tourism. The students demonstrated their knowledge and interest in the Kazakh language, presenting national traditions. The students performed compositions on the flute, danced Kazakh dances and showed their skills.

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